Learning Center for Alzheimer's & Dementia
Name Tags Revisited

You know from my previous posts that I'm a big fan of name tags for nurses, having seen how effective they can be. While doing some research on the internet I stumbled across a newsletter recently posted by a long term care facility that provides some objective evidence of the value of name tags. Here is what they had to say
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Computers & Dementia

Recently I was asked about the benefits of making computers available to residents in a dementia unit.
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iPads & Dementia

When someone first suggested using an iPad with a resident with dementia, I was skeptical to say the least. I was barely familiar with them, how could someone with dementia who had never seen one before deal with it? Well, as it turns out, generally quite well!
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The Benefits of Name Tags

How many times have you met up with somebody that you know and no matter how hard you try you can't come up with their name? Now imagine how that feels if you have dementia.
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Finding the Meaning in What They Say

One of the first interactions that I had with someone with dementia occurred many years ago. I was spending the day with my mother-in-law in a facility in Toronto. For part of the morning we sat in the lobby watching the crazy Toronto traffic drive by.