Learning Center for Alzheimer's & Dementia: Montessori & dementia
What is Montessori?

What is "Montessori"? That's a good question. Try searching the internet and see what you find. You'll find a lot of talk about the Montessori environment, about the benefits of the approach, about nurturing and independence. But you probably won't find a succinct definition of the Montessori approach.
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Montessori Methods for Dementia

The look of joy and satisfaction on the face of a person with dementia who has just successfully done something that they no longer thought they were capable of doing is a sight to behold. It would be wonderful if every day could be filled with such moments.
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Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori was a remarkable woman. She was born on August 31, 1870 in Italy, a time when it was not considered appropriate for a woman to study medicine. She persevered and was one of the first woman physicians in Italy.
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The Ten Montessori Principles - Montessori Based Dementia Care

Learn how the Montessori approach to helping people with dementia and Alzheimer's can be broken down into ten principles.
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Montessori Principle 1 - Independence

Learn about the first Montessori principle for dementia and Alzheimer care - Independence, in this article
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