Learning Center for Alzheimer's & Dementia
Montessori Carts in Dementia Care

In my visits to long term care homes, I usually have the pleasure of receiving a tour of the memory care facility. Invariably, as we tour around, the conversation turns to dementia specific “Montessori Carts” and my thoughts on how to best put one together or improve the one they already have....
Modifying Activities for People with Vision Problems

When we offer an activity to someone with dementia, we should do everything we can to ensure their success. Learn how to modify activities so that people with dementia who have vision problems can do them successfully in this article by Keeping Busy.
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Speaking "Around" People with Dementia

Have you ever been in a store or public place and people around you are speaking in a language you don't understand? Maybe they're even glancing your way and gesturing. Do you wonder if they might be talking about you? Imagine what that would be like for someone with dementia.
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Not too Hot, Not too Cold...

Are you too warm? Too cold? Do you feel better when the temperature is just right?For most people, when the temperature is too warm or too cold, their mood is affected. An ongoing study shows that for people with dementia, the effect can be significant.
Therapeutic Lying & Other Techniques

If a person that you are caring for asks "Where's Henry?", referring to their spouse who passed away several years ago, how do you respond? Do you tell them that Henry passed away three years ago? Should we ever lie to someone with dementia? Most experts say yes, under very specific circumstances.
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