
Using Multi-Sensory Environments for Dementia Care

Using Multi-Sensory Environments for Dementia Care
Therapeutic multi-sensory environments (such as Snoezelen rooms) are soothing and stimulating environments specially designed to deliver stimuli to various senses, using lighting effects, color, sounds, music, scents, etc.
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I was at a memory care facility recently and the staff told me that they were having trouble finding activities for dementia patients. The resident said that every activity that they offered was too childish, even though they were selected to be age appropriate.
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Making Visits More Meaningful

Making Visits More Meaningful
It can be difficult visiting someone with Alzheimer's or dementia - it can be hard to engage them in conversation, you may feel uncomfortable with some of the things they say, you just don't know what to do. What if it wasn't that way?
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In My Wanderings...

Elderly Woman Playing Catch with Small Soccer Ball

I noticed a couple of things of interest in my visits to facilities over the past week or two. I was impressed to see that all of the care workers on the dementia unit stepped up and engaged memory care residents as they saw the need.

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Name Tags Revisited

Name Tags Revisited
You know from my previous posts that I'm a big fan of name tags for nurses, having seen how effective they can be. While doing some research on the internet I stumbled across a newsletter recently posted by a long term care facility that provides some objective evidence of the value of name tags. Here is what they had to say
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