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Travel Jigsaw Puzzle for Seniors with Dementia and Alzheimer's
Senior doing Travel Jigsaw Puzzle
Bright Colors Travel Jigsaw Puzzle for Seniors with Dementia and Alzheimer's
Templates for Travel Jigsaw Puzzle
Travel Jigsaw Puzzle Activities
Complete Travel Jigsaw Puzzle for Seniors with dementia and Alzheimer's
Senior doing Travel Jigsaw Puzzle for Dementia Patients
Puzzle Box for Travel Jigsaw Puzzle
Travel Jigsaw for Older Adults
Travel Jigsaw Puzzle for Seniors with Dementia and Alzheimer's
Senior doing Travel Jigsaw Puzzle
Bright Colors Travel Jigsaw Puzzle for Seniors with Dementia and Alzheimer's
Templates for Travel Jigsaw Puzzle
Travel Jigsaw Puzzle Activities
Complete Travel Jigsaw Puzzle for Seniors with dementia and Alzheimer's
Senior doing Travel Jigsaw Puzzle for Dementia Patients
Puzzle Box for Travel Jigsaw Puzzle

Travel Accessories - 35 Piece Sequenced Jigsaw Puzzle

Regular price $19.99
This 35-piece puzzle with large pieces features a colored dot at the back, correlating to a template guide for ease of assembly. It includes 1 photograph, 3 guides, and 6 sorting bags for pieces.

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Large, clearly indicated pieces

I greatly appreciate that this activity comes with graded instructions so that you can adjust the activity for your client/loved one based on level of visual and cognitive level you are targeting.

B. Allen
Perfect for folks with dementia or other disability.

Our mom with dementia enjoys the puzzle in it's easiest form and sometimes can work it with the steps getting harder. One board has color codes, one is just outlines of the puzzle pieces and then when they accomplish it, a plain white board with edges so they don't slide off. It is versatile and could also be used for kids as they are learning to fit together puzzle pieces, each piece is a good size to handle.

Pete B.
Great puzzle for young and elderly

I ordered this for an elderly woman with dementia. I love how the picture has the puzzle shapes with it too, and the corresponding colored dots to match. 35 pieces seemed to be a perfect amount and a confidence boost as she finished it, as well. We didn't use the included zipper bags but it is a nice option to separate the pieces into groups to make it easier. The only nice thing about dementia is that we can do this puzzle every day and it's always a new experience...

Dina Wood
The puzzles are visually inviting!

I bought these puzzles for a memory care community. The puzzles were easy to do and the plus was they gave suggestions to elaborate on the picture, a little like TimeSlips. I havent gotten to put them in to practice but the ideas totally worth the cost.

Linda Maholmes
Great to pass time

I got this puzzle for smaller kids. They love putting this together.

Travel Accessories Jigsaw Puzzle

Travel Accessories Jigsaw Puzzle

Our Travel Accessories picture puzzle was designed to be age-appropriate for elderly people living with memory-related conditions. Every game includes 35 large pieces to encourage engagement and gently exercise the mind.