Learning Center for Alzheimer's & Dementia
Getting the Most from Dementia Jigsaw Puzzles

Puzzles such as our Sequenced Jigsaw Puzzles that are designed to help people with dementia successfully enjoy a favorite pastime are an excellent cognitive exercise, not to mention lots of fun. But they can be much more.
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Successful Implementation of a Dementia Care Strategy - Case Study

A long term care facility with 24 dementia residents in a secure unit wanted help to develop a plan to give the residents with dementia the best care possible. Implementing a successful dementia strategy in a facility takes a lot of work, but doesn't have to be difficult. Read about a successful plan.
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Timing is Everything - Choosing the Appropriate Activity Time

To increase the likelihood of a given activity or program for people with dementia being successful, many factors have to be taken into account. Along with choosing a meaningful and appropriate activity for the person with dementia, presenting it at the right time of day can make a difference.
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Why The Behavior?

When you look at the cartoon, what is your first thought? Do you think It’s funny It makes sense I know someone who does that He can’t do that! It's a funny cartoon, but if we think about what it depicts, we can learn from it. One of the most important lessons we teach in our training is to observe the person
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Depression & Dementia

Does depression cause dementia? While no direct causal relationship has been proven, studies show that depression does in fact contribute to the onset of dementia. Many people suffer from various degrees of depression and as we age, depression becomes more and more prevalent.
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