Expressions Card Game Series 1
The Details
"Ready, set, _ _", "Hip, hip, _ _ _ _ _ _", "Don't sit under the _ _ _ _ _ tree" are expressions we’ve all heard and used before.
Because the reaction to the clue is almost automatic, it can help create a sense of achievement for older adults who are struggling with memory loss.This Dementia game for elderly people includes a set of 48 cue cards each with an expression that is missing one word, along with the answer cards.
The packaging does not include any mention of dementia or Alzheimer’s so that you can give to an elderly loved one with confidence.
How to Use
- There are two sets of cards and answers. The blue cards have a 3-word expression that is missing the last word such as "calm, cool and _______". The green cards have a common phrase that is missing one word which is a little more challenging. This allows you to mix and match the cards to vary the level of difficulty.
- Start by simply reading one of the blue expressions - the player will likely respond automatically. Increase the challenge a little by having the player read the expression themselves. Use the cards from the green deck to make it even more challenging.
- To add complexity, put three expression cards on the table, along with the corresponding answer cards. Have the person read one of the expressions and find the matching answer. Increase the difficulty by using more than three cards, or using cards from the green deck. You can even put out some expressions without the answer cards to make it even more challenging.
- For games with multiple players, give each participant three answer cards, placed face up in front of them. Have the first player pick an expression from the deck and read it out loud. Everyone can call out the answer and if anyone has the answer card, they turn it over. The game continues until all the answer cards are turned over (remember, we do not encourage games for Alzheimer and Dementia patients that have winners and losers). Increase the difficulty by using more cards or cards from different decks.

Expressions Card Game
Our fill-in-the-blank game was designed to be age-appropriate for elderly people living with memory-related conditions. Every game includes 48 cue cards to encourage engagement and gently exercise the mind.