Match the Shapes Game - Space Saving
This brain game is the perfect way to keep minds sharp! Match the Shapes Brain Game for Older Adults is a fun challenge with 36 tiles and corresponding templates. Seniors can take it on the go with its compact carrying bag, and feel the satisfaction of a job well done every time each set of shapes is completed. Includes a player manual and 2 Introductory Templates - it's sure to shape up the day!
The Details
Crafted especially for older people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s, every matching pairs game includes 36 tiles with corresponding templates.
Start with one quarter page template, and move on to the next template to increase the difficulty.
The instructions detail how to find the appropriate level of challenge.
The game is also available in a "low vision" edition with a larger template for people with vision or dexterity challenges.
The packaging does not include any mention of dementia or Alzheimer’s so that you can give to an elderly loved one with confidence.
How to Use
The introductory templates are used to familiarize the person with the shapes and colors. One template shows color swatches, and the other shows the shapes.
Once the person can distinguish between the shapes and colors, use the appropriate pieces and template labeled top left to start the puzzle.
Add the pieces and template labeled top right and continue the puzzle. Point out how the colors continue in the same line-vertically and the shapes are the same across.
Add the third and then the fourth templates in the same way to complete the puzzle.
For added complexity, any of the templates can be replaced by the black template - this is more difficult because the person has to match the colors and patterns from the other templates with no hints.
The game can be played alone or with multiple players. Players take turns matching the tiles by color or shape


