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seniors enjoying conversation cards for dementia patients
oversized conversation cards easy to handle
conversation cards for dementia patients
conversation cards developed by dementia experts
conversation cards stimulate discussions with seniors
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conversation cards in box for seniors with dementia and Alzheimer's
seniors enjoying conversation cards for dementia patients
oversized conversation cards easy to handle
conversation cards for dementia patients
conversation cards developed by dementia experts
conversation cards stimulate discussions with seniors
happy men using conversation cards

Let's Chat Conversation Cards

Sale price $46.12 Regular price $38.43

The cards are divided into 6 topics for easy separation and can be used with individuals or groups. There are 112 double-sided cards, that's 224 unique questions! The box includes guidance on how to use these prompts. These cards are ideal for those seeking activities for the elderly with dementia, offering engaging conversation prompts to stimulate meaningful discussions and brain activity through reminiscing and decision-making. Designed in conjunction with Dementia Specialist Gail Elliot of Enhanceability, these cards are one of the best gifts for dementia patients!

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Amy G MN gal
excellent "game" to use with senior with memory loss

We used this with 96 year old senior who has short-term memory issues. It was great - he perked up, was engaged, joined in the conversations about various topics. Highly recommend.

2 Dogs R Us
Great Conversation Starter

One of my fonder memories of my mother is of our long talks - we could easily talk for hours about nothing :) Unfortunately, my mother changed when she got dementia and now has become very quiet and only engages in conversation when directly prompted. While the doctor has encouraged her to actively work on memory stimulation to slow down the dementia's progression, my mom doesn't really like most of the games/tasks we have gotten to stimulate her memory and would prefer to just sit and watch TV/nap.For me these cards are a winner. I got these cards to give me ideas on different topics I can try to prompt conversations with my mother. As I am the one using the cards, my mother doesn't realize we are working on her memory. The cards are well-made and have a wide variety of open-ended topics that can spark that initial conversation. As an added bonus, my dad also engages in the conversation which also helps maintains his memory.

pete c
Fun for parties or getting to know your family!

We have so much fun with these cards. These are great for getting grandparents to relay their lives to their grandchildren. Also great to see how other families grew up or understand cultural differences. Simple way to get those memories working and enlighten the next generation.

Conversation Cards

Product Packaging: Retail boxProduct Experience: Laminated card stock. Large print. Larger than typical playing cards so they can be more easily manipulated. Variety of topics to trigger conversation. Could be used as a follow up to speech therapy or for friend/family conversations.Pro: Product itselfCon: None yetOverall: Recommend

Steve Frye
Good to start conversations, even if they aren't ones you really want to have...

So these are good to fill the awkward silence or to get to know each other. If your political, social, and religious views are in line it's great, it not just be OK with what you hear... That said, if you know topics you'd just rather avoid you might want to curate the deck. Our parents or grandparents grew up in a different time & some of these can really bring that forward, especially if they have started losing their conversation filter...That said, there are a lot of cards and I like it. It's nice to keep it out for visitors, especially for us interverts. I'd say 2-3 cards per visit is a good pace. For use with your own age group it is pretty good to get to know how people tick.For doing this with your elderly relatives, consider recording it.

lets chat conversation starters for seniors with dementia
seniors interacting though conversation cards
conversation cards in box